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Lansing Labor News
Established 1945
February 17, 2025
Action Center
652 Retiree Chair Archive
Apr 08, 2011

September 2024


UAW Local 652 retiree events are on the first and third Tuesday of each month.  The first Tuesdays are BINGO starting at 10:00 am.  The third Tuesdays are lunch and business meetings beginning at 12:00 pm.  A boxed lunch is provided.  Our October 1st meeting will feature a guest speaker concerning retiree healthcare.  The November 19th meeting will be our retiree Thanksgiving potluck beginning at 12:00 pm.  To accompany the meal, please bring a dish to pass and your disposable table service.  Your attendance and assistance are surely appreciated.  Condolences to those who have lost loved ones since the last Labor News edition.

Arlene Pesik

April 2023

Greetings UAW Local 652 Retirees;

Can you believe that April is already here? Happy Easter to you all. 652

Retirees meet the 1st Tuesday of the month at 10:00am at the Union Hall and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 12pm  for a sack lunch, meeting, and bingo. Thank you all for all your help whenever you’ve been asked. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.  It is with sad hearts that we fondly remember Harold Foster and all his contributions to the UAW over the years.     

Stay Safe & Healthy,


December 2022

Welcome back!! It’s good to see everyone again after two years.  A special thank you to Mike and Diane Bauer for all of their help.  We all wish them well, have fun at your cottage!  Watch your mail for information regarding the switch from ExpressScripts to OptumRx beginning on January 1, 2023. The Retiree Chapter meets the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00am for Bingo and the third Tuesday of the month at 12:00 noon for business meeting and luncheon. For the December Christmas luncheon please bring a dish to pass. In January we will be going back to box lunches for our meal on January 17, 2023.  Thanks to all of you for your help, our new Retiree Board is here for you.  Stay Safe and healthy! Merry Christmas to all!

In Solidarity, Arlene

Local 652 Retiree Chair Mike Bauer

September 2022

​The Retiree Chapter will resume its operations starting Tues, Sept 20, 2022.  Our luncheon, which starts at noon, will be a box lunch.  Do not bring a dish to pass or any utensils.  The business meeting and bingo will follow as in the past.  Our regular Tues bingo will begin on Oct 4, 2022, at 10:00 am.

   The UAW Medical Trust held webinar, telephone, and in person meetings in August to go over any upcoming changes to our medical plans and answer questions.  They will also be mailing info in September.  The biggest change is to our prescription program.  Beginning in January, we will no longer be using Express Scripts for our medications.  The new company is Optum and additional info will be mailed to you soon.  None of these changes take place until January 2023, so everyone has time to read the literature and have questions answered if any exist.

   The regional recreation committee's euchre tournament schedule is as follows:

Sept 16, 2022 - UAW Local 467 - 2104 Farmer Street, Saginaw

Sept 23, 2022 - UAW Local 659 - 4549 Van Slyke, Flint

Sept 30, 2022 - UAW Local 602 - 2510 W Michigan Ave, Lansing

Oct 7, 2022 - UAW Local 167 - 1320 Burton St, Wyoming

Tournaments start at 10 a.m.  Arrive a little early to get signed in and ready to play.

You may play in any of these tournaments, you are not limited to just the tournament in your area.

   On a final note, this will be my last column.  I am not running for reelection.  The chapter currently has events 3 times a month.  The chair also has board meetings (both active and retirees), union meetings, regional meetings, CAP meetings, and other incidental ones such as the Trust updates.  This does not allow a lot of free time to do things.  After 17+ years I have decided I would like to have time to do projects that have been on hold, travel a little without hurrying back, and just enjoying life as a true retiree.  Diane and I will not be returning to the meeting at startup as we are already in the midst of a project in northern Michigan where we have spent most of the pandemic.  We have enjoyed our time on the board and all the people we have met along the way.  Time to turn the page and begin a new chapter.  Take care everyone and stay safe.


April 2022

The retiree chapter activities will remain suspended.  The new variant is on the rise.  Senior citizens are the most vulnerable.  Many of our members have cardiac, respiratory, renal, cancer, blood or autoimmune disorders.  These are not always apparent to others in the group.  Some chapters are trying to open.  We do know of one that opened and a person infected others with Covid - then he died.  Our goal is to reopen safely.  When we do come back do not be surprised if there are measures in place to help stop the spread.  While everyone is urged to get the vaccine and boosters if you can, you must remember not everyone is able to due to other health issues.  Vaccines are not a guarantee you won't get Covid - just hopefully you won't be hospitalized or die.  We are looking into what our parameters would need to be to help assure everyone's safety.  Please remain patient a while longer as this is all sorted out.

Stay safe and healthy.

March 2022

The retiree chapter activities remain suspended until further notice.  We owe it to all retirees to exercise caution for the health and wellbeing of our members and their families.  When it is considered safe for the chapter activities to resume it will be announced in the Labor News.
   Everyone take care, stay safe and healthy.

December 2021

652 Retirees
   Due to the latest surge in Covid-19 cases and the introduction of the new variant, we will remain shut down until further notice.
   While Covid may never be totally eradicated, it needs to reach a low enough infection level for all people - especially seniors - to be able to function somewhat "normally" before starting up again.  It isn't clear yet what the new normal will be.  Currently, hospitals throughout the state are overwhelmed with cases.
   Everyone please take care - stay safe and healthy.
   Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

September 2021

Due to the recent surge in Covid 19 cases we will remain shut down until further notice.  Everyone please take all necessary precautions to remain healthy and safe.  Fully vaccinated people can still get and/or spread the virus.    There will be notification in the Labor News when it is deemed safe for our retirees to begin meeting again.

The UAW Trust will not be traveling in-person this fall for the annual update meeting.  2022 update information will become available via virtual and telephone meetings this fall instead of the meeting we would normally hold at the hall.  Trust members will receive an invitation to these meetings and will have the opportunity to participate.  While there is currently no date available you should receive the information in the fall.

If you have any questions or concerns about your current health care or claims issues you can call the number on the back of your medical ID card or contact a benefit rep at the hall for assistance.

May 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic our activities remain suspended until further notice.  When activities resume there will be notification in the Lansing Labor News.  There are many mutations to the virus popping up throughout the country and the world.  Current vaccines may not be enough to be fully protected.  It has also been proven that fully vaccinated people can still catch the virus.  Please adhere to all protocols recommended to stay safe.

February 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic our activities remain suspended until further notice.  When activities resume there will be notification in the Lansing Labor News.  There are many mutations to the virus popping up throughout the country and the world.  Current vaccines may not be enough to be fully protected.  Please adhere to all protocols recommended to stay safe.

December 2020

Happy Holidays everyone.

     As you are well aware the pandemic has entered its second wave, as predicted, and will now partner with cold and flu season.  As of this writing the number of cases has skyrocketed out of control.  Due to these circumstances the retiree chapter will not be meeting until further notice.  There are some vaccines on the horizon that may prove to be effective.  As they become readily available the decision to meet as a group will be reevaluated again.  Many factors will play into this determination - how effective the vaccine is, how many are getting it, what stipulations the health department puts on groups, etc.  It has also been stated that it is not known how long these vaccines can be expected to be effective.  There is still a lot of information for the professionals to sort out before it will be safe to meet again.  I will keep you updated in future issues of the Lansing Labor News as additional information is passed down.

     In the meantime, if you need assistance from the Benefit Reps they are at the hall Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  They generally go to lunch from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  They can be reached at 517-372-7581 ext. 500.  You may need to leave a message.

     Everyone entering the union hall must wear a mask.  This is for your protection and to protect the workers at the hall.  The health department has made it clear our best defense is to wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid crowds.  The end of the pandemic is potentially in sight.  Let's all do what we can to make it end sooner rather than later.

     Take care - stay safe.

September 2020

All retiree activities continue to be cancelled through the end of the year.  The pandemic situation will be reevaluated at that time.  Do not expect any activities to start up in January 2021.  The number of cases, additional stipulations, and directives will determine how we proceed.  We will advise everyone as soon as possible when we can return to our regular activities.  Do not be fooled by the number of people reported as survivors.  Yes, they may still be alive, but many are never truly well again.  While there are some fortunate people who return to normal, many have heart and lung problems that severely limit their ability to enjoy their lives.  Dr Khaldun recently spoke about this on one of the Covid-19 updates.  Surviving does not mean back to a previous healthy state for all people.

   Everyone please vote.  Request your absentee ballot if you have not already done so.  Stay safe and vote in the comfort of your own home.  By now everyone is aware of the post office situation with sorting machines being removed and various methods being used to slow down the mail.  With these issues in mind, please vote as soon as you get your ballot.  Do not wait until the last minute, especially if you will need to return your ballot by mail.  Get it back in the mailbox to your clerk as soon as you vote.  If possible, don your mask and hand deliver your ballot back to the clerk in your voting area.  Many have a drop box where you can leave your ballot and not have to be worried about whether the mail got delivered.  You must use a drop box in your voting area.  While the courts have ruled on some of these issues, we can do our part to assure our vote is counted and help the election process proceed smoothly.

   The VEBA Trust recently mailed out the 2021 Health Care Benefit Highlights.  Please take some time and read through it if you have not done so already.  There will be Live Conference Calls available.  During these calls, you will be able to ask questions.  To take part in one of these calls, you need to RSVP to 1-833-656-5001 (toll free), from Sept. 2 to Oct. 8, 2020, 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  You will be given additional information at that time.  You can also visit

   While it seems a bit premature - everyone have a safe and happy holiday season.

June 2020

 Our retiree functions are all cancelled through the end of December.  Risk will be reevaluated at that time.  Seniors are the most vulnerable and it is unthinkable to bring them together at this time.  Social distancing and masks will be around for some time to come and this is not possible in our setting.

While there are some out there that do not take this pandemic seriously - it is not only serious, it is deadly.  The biggest problem with this virus is that the person sitting next to you could have it but have no symptoms.  It could be fatal for the people they expose.  Many of our members have compromised immune systems for a variety of reasons – you just are not aware of who they are.

Some states are already seeing an uptick in cases as they are opening.  As we have just witnessed in East Lansing with 34 new cases among people socializing at a bar/restaurant.  Which then raises the question - how many additional people did they expose?

With all this in mind please understand we have your health and best interests at heart.  The UAW is about health and safety for its members.  Please do not keep calling your board members or the hall to inquire if the activities are being held.  We will put a notification out in the Labor News as soon as it is safe for us to assemble again.

The fall Region 1D Euchre Tournament is cancelled.

The Region 1D travel committee trip to the Ark is cancelled.
If you have not done so already, please apply for an absentee ballot for the primary and general elections.  Be sure to exercise your right to vote - just do it safely by absentee ballot.

February 2020

 652 Retirees
    Hello everyone - the groundhog promised us an early spring - we'll see.    
    The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.

     Spring Euchre Tournaments are being held for retirees, spouses, and associate members.  The Wyoming tournament is April 3rd, at UAW Local 167, located at 1320 Burton St SW.  The Flint tournament is April 17th, at UAW Local 659, located at 4549 Van Slyke Rd.  Saginaw tournament is also April 17th, at UAW Local 467, located at 2104 Farmer St.  The Lansing tournament is April 24th, at UAW Local 602, located at 2510 W Michigan Ave.  The Wyoming, Flint, and Lansing tournaments start at 10:00 a.m.  The Saginaw tournament starts at 1:30.  Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time.  You do not need a partner to play.  You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.  If you enjoy euchre come join in.  There is no cost to play.

      Region 1D Travel Committee is having a trip to the Ark in September.  Contact Diane Bauer (517-627-5895) if you need information or would like a flyer sent out to you.

      For all the Oldsmobile lovers out there - The R.E. Olds Chapter presents the 28th Oldsmobile Homecoming Car Show & Swap Meet.  This event takes place Saturday, June 20, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  The show is located at Auto-Owners, 6101 Anacapri Blvd, Lansing.  Anacapri Blvd. is located 1/4 mile north of I-496 and Creyts Rd.  While all Oldsmobiles will be represented, the show will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Aurora and featuring all 1970 model year Oldsmobiles.

      For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
   Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.

   The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.  No expired food please.
   Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

   If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500
   You may contact me at the following email address:

December 2019

  Seasons Greetings to all.  Wishing everyone safe and happy holiday season and a Happy New Year.
The following is our monthly sched-ule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bin-go.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Par-ticipants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meet-ing.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Partici-pants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
     Our monthly events are for Local 652 retirees, surviving spouses and associate members only.
     Anyone interested in attending Black Lake Retiree Conference that hasn't been before contact me at 517 -372-7581 ext. 147.  Leave your name and number and mention Black Lake.  I will get back with you.  I am handling only 652 retir-ees.
     Region 1D Travel Committee is having a trip to Chicago, May 4 - 8, 2020.  Cost is $564 per person, dou-ble occupancy.  Contact Diane Bau-er (517) 627-5895 for more info or to sign up.  We are also planning a trip to The Ark, September 28 - Oc-tober 2, 2020.
     Region 1D Euchre dates for the spring tournaments are now availa-ble.
April 3, 2020 - UAW Local 167 in Wyoming.  Local 167 is located at 1320 Burton St. SW, Wyoming.  Tournament starts at 10:00 a.m.
April 17, 2020 - UAW Local 659 in Flint.  Local 659 is located at 4549 Van Slyke Rd., Flint.  Tournament starts at 10:00 a.m.
April 17, 2020 - UAW Local 467 in Saginaw.  Local 467 is located at 2104 Farmer St., Saginaw.  Tourna-ment starts at 1:30 p.m. April 24, 2020 - UAW Local 602 in Lansing.  Local 602 is located at 2510 W Michigan Ave., Lansing.  Tournament starts at 10:00 a.m.
You do not need a partner to play.  You are welcome to play at all tour-naments.
     For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are think-ing of you and keeping you in our prayers.
   Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
   The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.  No expired food please.
   Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
   If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500
   You may contact me at the fol-lowing email address:

September 2019

652 Retirees

     Fall is here.  Time passes quickly and the weather is still crazy.

The following is our monthly schedule of events:

First Tuesday of the month is Bingo.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.

Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.

Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.

     Starting in October 2019 the monthly card game on the fourth Tuesday of the month will be for Local 652 retirees only.

     Please mark the following cancellations on your calendars:   November 26 and December 24, cards cancelled.  Cards will resume in January 2020.

     The annual VEBA Trust update meeting is Monday, October 14, at Local 652.  Meeting starts at 10:00 a.m.  Come listen to what changes may be coming and ask any questions you may have.

      In the event of a strike all retiree functions are suspended until a tentative agreement is reached.

     For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.

   Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.

   The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at

   The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.  No expired food please.

   Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

   If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500

   You may contact me at the following email address:

April 2019

     Spring is here!  Enjoy.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.

     Please mark the following cancellations on your calendars:   June 25, cards cancelled; July 2 Bingo is cancelled; August 20 Potluck/Business Meeting cancelled.  The annual retiree luncheon is Tuesday, August 13, at Royal Scot.  Royal Scot is located at 4722 West Grand River Avenue, Lansing.  Luncheon starts at noon.

     Spring Euchre Tournaments are being held for retirees, spouses, and associate members.  The Wyoming, Saginaw, and Lansing tournaments are over.  The final spring tournament will be in Flint, on May 3, 2019, at Local 659.  Local 659 is located at 4549 Van Slyke Rd.  All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m.  Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time.  You do not need a partner to play.  You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.  If you enjoy euchre come join in.  There is no cost to play.

      Region 1D Travel Committee is having a trip to Branson in December 2019 for their Christmas show.  Flyers for the Branson trip will be coming out in early May.

      For all the Oldsmobile lovers out there - The R.E. Olds Chapter presents the 27th Oldsmobile Homecoming Car Show & Swap Meet.  This event takes place Saturday, June 15, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  The show is located at Auto-Owners, 6101 Anacapri Blvd, Lansing.  Anacapri Blvd. is located 1/4 mile north of I-496 and Creyts Rd.  While all Oldsmobiles will be represented the 1962 & 1963 Jetfire will be the feature car this year.

      For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
   Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.

   The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.  No expired food please.
   Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

   If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500
   You may contact me at the following email address:

February 2019

 652 Retirees
     Winter is now relentlessly upon us.  Stay in, stay safe, spring will be here soon.

The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
     Spring Euchre Tournaments will be held in Wyoming, Saginaw, Lansing, and Flint for retirees, spouses, and associate members.  The first tournament will be in Wyoming, on April 12, 2019, at Local 167.  Local 167 is located at 1320 Burton St. SW.  The second tournament is in Saginaw, on April 19, 2019, at Local 467.   Local 467 is located at 2104 Farmer St.  The third tournament will be in Lansing, on April 26, 2019, at Local 602.  Local 602 is located at 2510 W Michigan Ave.  The fourth tournament will be in Flint, on May 3, 2019, at Local 659.  Local 659 is located at 4549 Van Slyke Rd.  All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m.  Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time.  You do not need a partner to play.  You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.  If you enjoy euchre come join in.  There is no cost to play.

      Region 1D Travel Committee is having a trip to Mystic, Foxwoods, & The Newport Mansions in May 2019.  The trip is scheduled for the week of May 4 - 10.  Contact Diane Bauer (517) 627-5895 or Connie Garner-Dunn (517) 323-2146 for a Lansing bus.  Trip is closing out shortly.  Call immediately if you wish to go.  Due to the cutoff date for this trip full payment is required upon reservation.  Reserve your seat now.  A Branson trip is in the works for December 2019 for their Christmas show.  Flyers for the Branson trip will be coming out in early May.

      For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
   Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.

   The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.  No expired food please.
   Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

   If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500
   You may contact me at the following email address:

December 2018

652 Retirees
     Happy Holidays to all.

The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
     The January 1st bingo is cancelled.
     White Shirt Day is February 11, 2019, in Flint, at Local 659.

     Spring Euchre Tournaments will be held in Wyoming, Saginaw, Lansing, and Flint for retirees, spouses, and associate members.  The first tournament will be in Wyoming, on April 12, 2019, at Local 167.  The second tournament is in Saginaw, on April 19, 2019, at Local 467.   The third tournament will be in Lansing, on April 26, 2019, at Local 602.  The fourth tournament will be in Flint, on May 3, 2019, at Local 659.  All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m.  Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time.  You do not need a partner to play.  You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.  If you enjoy euchre come join in.  There is no cost to play.

      Region 1D Travel Committee is having a trip to Mystic, Foxwoods, & The Newport Mansions in May 2019.  The trip is scheduled for the week of May 4 - 10.  Contact Diane Bauer (517) 627-5895 or Connie Garner-Dunn (517) 323-2146 for a Lansing bus.  Final payment is due by February 20, 2019.  Reserve your seat now.  A Branson trip is in the works for December 2019 for their Christmas show.  More information will be available soon.

      For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
   Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.

   The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.  No expired food please.
   Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

   If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500
   You may contact me at the following email address:

September 2018

Fall is just around the corner now.  We have made it through the long hot summer.

The following is our monthly schedule of events:

First Tuesday of the month is Bingo.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.

Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.

Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.

     Fall Euchre Tournaments will be held in Saginaw, Lansing, and Flint for retirees, spouses, and associate members.  The first tournament will be in Saginaw, on September 14, at Local 467, 2104 Farmer St.  The second tournament will be in Lansing, on September 21, at Local 602, 2510 W Michigan.  The third tournament will be in Flint, on September 28, at Local 659, 4549 Van Slyke.  All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m.  Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time.  You do not need a partner to play.  You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.  If you enjoy euchre come join in.  There is no cost to play.

          Region 1D Travel Committee is having a trip to Mystic, Foxwoods, & The Newport Mansions in May 2019.  The trip is scheduled for the week of May 4 - 10.  Contact Connie Garner-Dunn (517) 323-2146 or Diane Bauer (517) 627-5895 for a Lansing bus.  Flyers will be going out soon and we will start taking reservations in mid October.  A Branson trip is in the works for December 2019 for their Christmas show.  More information will be available soon.

     The annual VEBA Trust update meeting will be held Friday, October 19, at Local 652, starting at 10:00 a.m.

     There will be no cards November 27th or December 25th.  The January 1st bingo is also cancelled.

     For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.

   Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.

   The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at

   The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.  No expired food please.

   Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

   If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500

   You may contact me at the following email address:

May 2018

Everyone have a safe and happy summer.

The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.

Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
Please mark your calendars with the following 3 cancellations and 1 addition:  June 26 cards cancelled.  July 3 bingo cancelled.  August 21 potluck cancelled.  The Lansing Area Retiree Luncheon will be August 14, at Royal Scot.  Luncheon starts at noon.
The Oldsmobile "Homecoming 2018" Car Show will be Saturday, June 16th, from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  The show is located at Auto Owners, 6101 Anacapri Blvd, Lansing, MI.  It is 1/4 mile north of I-496.  Take Creyts Rd north to Anacapri.  Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Hurst/Oldsmobiles.
The spring euchre tournaments were a lot of fun for everyone.
Mark your calendars for the fall tournaments.  Fall Euchre Tournaments will be held in Saginaw, Lansing, and Flint for retirees, spouses, and associate members.  The first tournament will be in Saginaw, on September 14th,  at Local 467, 2104 Farmer St.  The second tournament will be in Lansing, on September 21st, at Local 602, 2510 W Michigan.  The third tournament will be in Flint, on September 28th, at Local 659, 4549 Van Slyke.  All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m.  Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time.  You do not need a partner to play.  You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.  If you enjoy euchre come join in.  There is no cost to play.
Region 1D Travel Committee is having a trip to Niagara Falls/Toronto in October.  If you would like to go the week of October 1-5, contact Connie Garner-Dunn (517) 323-2146 or Linda Francis (810) 423-8661 for Lansing buses.  If you would like to go the week of October 8-12, contact Diane Bauer (517) 627-5895 for a Lansing bus.  (Second week bus is full, but you can be placed on a waiting list in case someone cancels - if the second week is the only time you can go.)  Linda Francis can assist you on both weeks if you wish to sign up for a Flint bus.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.  No expired food please.
Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

March 2018

Spring is here - Rejoice!

The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo.  Games start at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks.  
If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.  Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m.  Participants bring your own snacks. 
If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.

     Please mark your calendars with the following cancellations and addition:  June 26 cards cancelled.  July 3 bingo cancelled.  August 21 potluck cancelled.  The Lansing Area Retiree Luncheon will be August 14, at Royal Scot.  Luncheon starts at noon.

     Spring Euchre Tournaments will be held in Saginaw, Lansing, and Flint for retirees, spouses, and associate members.  The first tournament will be in Saginaw, on April 20th, at Local 467, 2104 Farmer St.  The second tournament will be in Lansing, on April 27th, at Local 602, 2510 W Michigan.  The third tournament will be in Flint, on May 4th, at Local 599, 812 Leith St.  All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m.  Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time.  You do not need a partner to play.  You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.  If you enjoy euchre come join in.  There is no cost to play.

          Region 1D Travel Committee is having a trip to Niagara Falls/Toronto in October.  If you would like to go the week of October 1-5, contact Connie Garner-Dunn (517) 323-2146 or Linda Francis (810) 423-8661 for Lansing buses.  If you would like to go the week of October 8-12, contact Diane Bauer (517) 627-5895 for a Lansing bus.  Linda Francis can assist you on both weeks if you wish to sign up for a Flint bus.

     For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
   Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass. 

   The Lansing Labor News is now online.  You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help.  If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. 
No expired food please.
   Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI  48917  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

   If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers.  517-372-7581  ext. 500
   You may contact me at the following email address:

December 2017

Winter is almost upon us. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Holiday Season. The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
Upcoming event cancellations - please mark your calendars accordingly.
November 28th: Cards cancelled
December 26th: Cards cancelled
The Region 1D Retiree Travel Committee has an upcoming Pigeon Forge trip April 9 - 14, 2018. For additional information on Lansing buses call Diane Bauer 517-627-5895 or Connie Garner-Dunn 517-323-2146. People wanting Flint buses call Linda Francis 810-423-8661.
 There is also a Niagara Falls/Toronto trip planned for the weeks of October 1 - 5, 2018, and October 8 - 12, 2018. For the first week Lansing buses call Connie Garner-Dunn 517-323-2146 or Linda Francis 810-423-8661. For the second week (Lansing) call Diane Bauer 517-627-5895. Anyone wanting info for the Flint buses call Linda Francis 810-423-8661.
If there is enough interest there is a possibility of having a bus to the Detroit Auto Show in January. Details are still being worked out at this time. If you are interested please call 517-372-7581, ext. 147, and leave your name, phone number, and mention the Detroit Auto Show. I will get back with you when the details (date, cost, any other activities during the trip) are available.
There will be two sessions for Black Lake again in 2018. The first session is April 3 - 6. The second session is May 29 - June 1. Participants must attend all classes of the session you are assigned to. If you are interested call 517-372-7581 ext. 147 and leave your name and phone number. I will return your call and provide additional details.
 The spring euchre tournaments will be held in April. The schedule is as follows: Saginaw - Friday, April 20th, Local 467, 2104 Farmer St.; Lansing - Friday, April 27th, Local 602, 2510 W Michigan Ave.; Flint - Friday, May 4th, Local 599, 812 Leith St. These tournaments are open to our retirees, their spouses, and associate members. You may play in all of the tournaments. You do not need a partner to play. Tournaments start at 10:00 a.m. Please arrive by 9:30 to get signed in, seated, and ready to play.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917 Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

September 2017

Summer is about over. Fall is right around the corner. Enjoy the colors of the season.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
Upcoming event cancellations – please mark your calendars accordingly:
November 28th: Cards cancelled
December 26th: Cards cancelled
The annual VEBA Trust Informational Meeting will be Thursday, October 19 at Local 652, starting at 10:00 a.m.
The Region 1D Retiree Travel Committee has an upcoming Pigeon Forge trip April 9-14, 2018. For additional information on Lansing buses call Diane Bauer at 517-627-5895 or Connie Garner-Dunn at 517-323-2146. People wanting Flint buses, call Linda Francis at 810-423-8661.
There is also a Niagara Falls/Toronto trip planned for the weeks of October 1-5, 2018, and October 8-12, 2018. For the first week Lansing buses call Connie Garner-Dunn, 517-323-2146 or Linda Franci, 810-423-8661. For the second week (Lansing) call Diane Bauer, 517-627-5895. Anyone wanting info for the Flint buses call Linda Francis, 810-423-8661.
If there is enough interest there is a possibility of having a bus to the Detroit Auto Show in January. Details are still being worked out at this time. If you are interested please call 517-372-7581, ext. 147, and leave your name, phone number, and mention the Detroit Auto Show. I will get back with you when the details (date, cost, any other activities during the trip) are available.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

May 2017

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
Upcoming event cancellations - please mark your calendars accordingly.
June 27th: Cards cancelled
July 4th: Bingo cancelled
August 15th: Potluck/Business mtg./Bingo cancelled
The Lansing Area Retiree Luncheon will be Tuesday, August 8, at the Royal Scot. Doors open at 11:00 a.m., lunch is served at noon. Royal Scot is located at 4722 W. Grand River Ave., Lansing, MI.
Fall Euchre Tournaments will be held in Saginaw, Lansing, and Flint for retirees, spouses, and associate members. The first tournament will be in Saginaw on September 8, at Local 467, 2104 Farmer St. The second tournament will be in Lansing, on September 15, at Local 602, 2510 W Michigan. The third tournament will be in Flint on September 22, at Local 659, 4549 Van Slyke Rd. All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m. Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time. You do not need a partner to play. You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like. The spring tournaments were a lot of fun. If you enjoy euchre, come join in. There is no cost to play.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917 Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

March 2017

Spring is almost here. Summer will be right around the corner.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled. 
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
Upcoming event cancellations - please mark your calendars accordingly.
June 27th: Cards cancelled
July 4th: Bingo cancelled
August 15th: Potluck/Business mtg./Bingo cancelled
The Region 1D Retiree Travel Committee has a Myrtle Beach Show Trip in October. There are two buses leaving Flint and two buses leaving Lansing the week of October 1 - 7, 2017. There are also two buses from each location the week of October 8 - 14, 2017. Lansing buses-contact Connie Garner-Dunn (517-323-2146) or Kathy Sain (810-736-2524) for more information and to make your reservation for the first week. For the second week contact Diane Bauer (517-627-5895) or Linda Francis (810-423-8661).
The Region 1D Travel Committee also has an Alaskan cruise August 19 - 26, 2017. Contact Joe Couturier (810-743-9943), Stan Marshall (517-899-1921), Mary Duncan (810-787-6705) or Linda Francis (810-423-8661) for more information.
Euchre Tournaments will be held in Saginaw, Lansing, and Flint for retirees, spouses, and associate members. The first tournament will be in Saginaw, on April 21, at Local 467, 2104 Farmer St. The second tournament will be in Lansing, on April 28, at Local 602, 2510 W Michigan. The third tournament will be in Flint, on May 5, at Local 659, 4549 Van Slyke Rd. All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m. Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time. You do not need a partner to play. You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917 Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

January 2017

Happy New Year everyone.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
The Region 1D Retiree Travel Committee has a Myrtle Beach Show Trip in October. There are two buses leaving Flint and two buses leaving Lansing the week of October 1-7, 2017. There are also two buses from each location the week of October 8-14, 2017. For Lansing buses, contact Connie Dunn (517-323-2146) or Kathy Sain (810-736-2524) for more information and to make your reservation for the first week. For the second week, contact Linda Francis (810-423-8661) or Diane Bauer (517-627-5895).
The Region 1D Travel Committee also has an Alaskan cruise August 19-26, 2017. Contact Joe Couturier (810-743-9943), Stan Marshall (517-899-1921), Mary Duncan (810-787-6705) or Linda Francis (810-423-8661) for more information.
The VEBA Trust will be holding a Medicare meeting at Local 652 on February 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Euchre Tournaments will be held in Saginaw, Lansing, and Flint for retirees, spouses, and associate members. The first tournament will be in Saginaw on April 21 at Local 467, 2104 Farmer St. The second tournament will be in Lansing on April 28 at Local 602, 2510 W Michigan. The third tournament will be in Flint on May 5 at Local 659, 4549 Van Slyke Rd. All tournaments start at 10:00 a.m. Arrive early to sign in and get seated so the games can start on time. You do not need a partner to play. You are welcome to play at all the tournaments if you like.
White Shirt Day is February 10. Sit Downers will be honored at Local 599, in Flint, starting at 11:00 a.m. Local 599 is located at 812 Leith St, Flint, MI.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

December 2016

Seasons Greetings to all. The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled. 
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is usually cards, starting at 10:00 a.m. (But note that by membership action, the December 27 cards are cancelled.) Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
With another year coming to a close, take time to reflect on all the things you are grateful for in your lives. The next few years will be tough, politically speaking, and it is important to not let it get you down. With that in mind, Happy Holidays to everyone. Make wonderful memories with friends and family. We’ll see everyone back in the new year.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917 Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

September 2016

We made it through a blistering hot summer–looking forward to fall.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Card game will be cancelled.
By membership action the November 22 and the December 27 cards are cancelled.
This is a very important election year. Everyone please get out and vote for your UAW-endorsed candidates. Don’t forget you can also vote absentee ballot from the comfort of your own home.
The annual VEBA Trust insurance meeting will be Thursday, October 6, at 10:00 a.m., at Local 652.
The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following 2016 camping date and location:
Oct 14-15-16: Michigan Trap Shooting Association – Mason, MI. For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917 Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

May 2016

Spring has sprung. Welcome back snowbirds.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather, our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks.
By membership action the July 5 Bingo and the August 16 potluck/business meeting is cancelled.
The area wide luncheon at Royal Scot will be August 9, starting at noon. Royal Scot is located at 4722 W. Grand River Ave., Lansing.
The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following 2016 camping dates and locations:
May 13-14-15 Camp Michawana – Hastings, MI
June 10-11-12 Snow Lake Kampground – Fenwick, MI
July 8-9-10 Leisure Lake Family Campground – Sumner, MI
Aug 12-13-14 Lakeside Camp Park – Cedar Springs, MI
Sept 9-10-11 Rocky’s Campground – Albion, MI
Oct 14-15-16 Michigan Trap Shooting Association – Mason, MI
For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

January 2016

Happy New Year to all. Looking forward to a successful 2016 for everyone. The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather, our Bingo game will be cancelled.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. By membership action, cards have been suspended until April.
The Region 1D Retiree Travel Committee has a rail trip to the Grand Canyon/Las Vegas/Zion National Park/Capitol Reef National Park in May 2016. Contact Connie Dunn (517-323-2146) for more information and to make your reservation.
The Region 1D Travel Committee also has an October 2016 trip to Savannah, Jekyll Island and Beaufort. There are two departure dates available. Contact Connie Dunn (517-323-2146) for more info and to make your reservation.
The Red Cross has various volunteer opportunities available for anyone who is interested in doing volunteer work. Contact Chante Alexander at 517-702-3308 for more information.
The Region 1D Retiree Recreation Committee is having a Euchre Tournament for all Region 1D retirees, spouses, and associate members on April 29 at Local 602, starting at 10:00 a.m. You do not need a partner to play. There will be a luncheon following the tournament. Local 602 is located at 2510 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48917. Please call 517-372-7581 ext.147 to leave your name and phone number to sign up. Players need to be at Local 602 by 9:45 a.m. to be ready to play at 10.
White Shirt Day is February 11. Sit Downers will be honored at Local 659 in Flint, starting at 11:00 a.m. Local 659 is located at 4549 Van Slyke Rd., Flint.
For any of our members or their families, who are ill or have lost a loved one, know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 4891. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

December 2015

Seasons Greetings to all. Everyone have a safe and happy holiday season.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks. By membership action, cards have been suspended until April.
This is the first winter of holding our Bingo games in the morning. By membership action, the following guideline has been approved: If the Lansing School District is closed due to inclement weather our Bingo game will be cancelled.
The Region 1D Retiree Travel Committee has a rail trip to the Grand Canyon/Las Vegas/Zion National Park/Capitol Reef National Park in May 2016. Contact Connie Dunn (517-323-2146) for more information and to make your reservation.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce & Herb Fernholz, Hazel Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger & Alice Miller, Leonard Schneider, Bob Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500
You may contact me at the following email address:

September 2015

Fall is just around the corner. I hope everyone takes the time to enjoy the beautiful colors of the outdoors.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks.
The Lansing area retiree euchre tournament will be held Friday, September 25, at Local 652, starting at noon. There is no luncheon. You do not need a partner to play.
The annual meeting with the VEBA Trust and its carriers will be held Friday, October 23, at Local 652, starting at 10:00 a.m.
November 24 cards are cancelled.
December 22 cards are cancelled.
Wagon Master Jay Courser has supplied the Oldsmobile Outdoor Club camping schedule for the 2015 season:
September 11-13 Rocky’s Campground - Albion, MI
October 9-11 Michigan Trap Shooting Association - Mason, MI
The camping outings are for all Outdoor Club members, not just retirees. For more information, contact Jay at 517-323-2331.
The Region 1D Retiree Travel Committee has a rail trip to the Grand Canyon/Las Vegas/Zion National Park/Capitol Reef National Park in May 2016. Contact Connie Dunn (517-323-2146) for more information and to make your reservation.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce & Herb Fernholz, Hazel Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger & Alice Miller, Leonard Schneider, Bob Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext.500
You may contact me at the following email address:

May 2015
The warmer spring weather has finally arrived along with our snowbirds. Welcome back everyone.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. Games start at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is cards starting at 10:00 a.m. Participants bring your own snacks.
May 26 cards is cancelled.
July 7 Bingo is cancelled.
August 18 potluck/business meeting is cancelled.
The Lansing Area luncheon will be held Thursday, August 13, at Royal Scot. Doors open at 11:00, luncheon begins at noon. Royal Scot is located at 4722 W. Grand River Ave., Lansing.
Wagon Master Jay Courser has supplied the Oldsmobile Outdoor Club camping schedule for the 2015 season.
May 8-10 Camp Michawana – Hastings, MI
June 12-14 Snow Lake Kampground – Fenwick, MI
July 10-12 Leisure Lake Campground – Sumner, MI
August 14-16 Lakeside Camp Park – Cedar Springs, MI
September 11-13 Rocky’s Campground – Albion, MI
October 9-11 Michigan Trap Shooting Association – Mason, MI
The camping outings are for all Outdoor Club members, not just retirees. For more information, contact Jay at 517-323-2331.
The Region 1D Travel Committee has two trips in October. Both are October 4-10, 2015. One is to New Orleans, the other is Pigeon Forge and Smoky Mountains Show. Contact Connie Dunn (517-323-2146) for more information and to make your reservation.
Condolences to all families who have had a loved one pass.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce & Herb Fernholz, Hazel Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Beverly Lofton, Roger & Alice Miller, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext.500
You may contact me at the following email address:

January 2015
A belated Happy New Year to everyone. The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652 and 602.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
By membership action, we are making changes to our Bingo and Card times and refreshments. Effective in March 2015, Bingo will be held the first Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Participants will bring their own snacks. Cards will be the fourth Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Participants will bring their own snacks.
Our next social night will be April 14. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.
The Lansing Area Euchre Tournament is April 17, at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. You do not need a partner to play. Please call 517-372-7581, ext. 147, and leave your name and number to sign up.
Condolences to all the families who have had a loved one pass.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Jim Halfmann, Roger & Alice Miller, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed
The Lansing Labor News is online at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

December 2014
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your family and friends.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652 and 602.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be January 13, 2015. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only –  no guests.
Upcoming cancellation to mark on your calendar. The December 23 card night is canceled.
The October 24th VEBA Trust meeting was well attended. If you still have questions regarding your medical or dental benefits, please contact a benefit rep.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing our snowbirds in the spring.
Condolences to all the families who have had a loved one pass. 
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger & Alice Miller, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

September 2014

Happy Labor Day to all. The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652 and 602. Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be on
ctober 14. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only – no guests.
Upcoming cancellations to mark on your calendar: The November 4 bingo night is cancelled. The December 23 card night is cancelled.
The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following camping dates and locations:
Sept. 12-13-14 Rockys Campground, Albion. And Oct. 10-11-12 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason. For more info, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331. Camping is not limited to retirees; active workers who are members of the Oldsmobile Outdoor Club are welcome to join in the fun.
October 3 the Lansing Area Retiree Euchre Tournament will be held at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. Arrive by 8:45, to sign in, and get seated. Call 372-7581, ext. 147, leave your name and phone number to sign up for the tournament. There is no cost to play. You do not need a partner to sign up.
October 24 is the annual insurance informational meeting. There will be representatives from the VEBA Trust, various insurance carriers, Delta Dental, and Express Scripts. Meeting starts at 10:00 a.m., at Local 652.
Condolences to all the families who have had a loved one pass. Condolences to Robert & Shirley Abernathy on the loss of their son, Jeffrey Abernathy, Delbert Person on the loss of his mother, Peggy Person (retiree), Steve Grant on the loss of his father, Rolland Grant (retiree), Sue Sanders on the loss of her husband, Art Sanders (retiree), the family of Herbert Farrand (retiree).
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger & Alice Miller, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is online at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers: 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
Email me at

May 2014
Hello everyone. Summer is almost here. Whatever plans you have this summer, remember safety first!
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652 and 602.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be October 14, 2014. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.
There are several cancellations to mark on your calendar. The July 1 bingo night is cancelled. The August 19 potluck/business meeting is cancelled. The November 4 bingo night is cancelled.
The Lansing Area Wide Luncheon will be held August 12, at Royal Scot. This is a catered luncheon, do not bring table service or a dish to pass. Luncheon starts at noon. Royal Scot is located at 4722 W. Grand River, Lansing, MI. This luncheon is replacing the annual picnic.
The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following camping dates and locations:
June 13-14-15 White Cloud Campground, White Cloud
July 11-12-13 Leisure Lake Campground, Sumner
Aug. 8-9-10 Lakeside Camp Park, Cedar Springs
Sept. 12-13-14 Rockys Campground, Albion
Oct. 10-11-12 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason
For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331. Camping is not limited to retirees, active workers who are members of the Oldsmobile Outdoor Club are welcome to join in the fun.
Congratulations to the winners of the Lansing Area Euchre Tournament. All winners were from the Local 652 retiree chapter. 1st place: Jerry Degner, 2nd place: Marlene Courser, 3rd place: Ken Kubasczyk, 4th place: (tie) Dennis Duff, Sue Sanders. The playoff between the Flint and Lansing winners was won by Flint. Thank you to everyone that came out to make the day a success.
The chapter will be electing its Election Committee on June 17, at the business meeting. The retiree Executive Board elections are July 15, at the business meeting.
The retirees are having a Mississippi River Boat Cruise, October 11 - 14. Call Marni for details, 517-321-6871.
Condolences to all the families who have had a loved one pass.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger & Alice Miller, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917 Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

March 2014
Hello everyone. Spring is officially upon us now, who knows what kind of ride it will be? The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652 and 602.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be April 8, 2014. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only – no guests.
The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following camping dates and locations:
May 16-17-18 Camp Michawana, Hastings
June 13-14-15 White Cloud Campground, White Cloud
July 11-12-13 Leisure Lake Campground, Sumner
Aug. 8-9-10 Lakeside Camp Park, Cedar Springs
Sept. 12-13-14 Rocky’s Campground, Albion
Oct. 10-11-12 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason
For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331. Camping is not limited to retirees; active workers who are members of the Oldsmobile Outdoor Club are welcome to join in the fun.
Due to a scheduling conflict, the date for the Region 1C Retiree Recreation Committee Euchre Tournament for the Lansing area retirees has been changed to May 7, at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. You do not need a partner to play. Please call 372-7581 ext. 147, and leave your name and phone number if you wish to play. The winners of this tournament will play the winners of the Flint tournament in the afternoon, at Local 602, following lunch.
The retirees are having a trip to Chicago September 9 - 12. Let’s fill the bus and have a good time! Call Marni for details, 517-321-6871.
Any Local 652 retiree that has never been to Black Lake, or has not been since they retired and would be interested in going, should contact me at 517-372-7581 ext. 147. Please leave your name and phone number. Black Lake Educational Center is an integral part of understanding how politics affect our daily lives (and pocketbooks). Members will attend seminars where retiree issues are discussed. While the Center is a beautiful place, it is not a vacation, you must attend the seminars daily.
Condolences to all the families who have had a loved one pass.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger & Alice Miller, Cecil Osenbaugh, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

January, 2014

Happy New Year everyone. 2014 has started out with a bang—ice storm, power outages, heavy snowfall, and extremely cold temperatures. Having gotten that out of the way, let’s look forward to spring and a great year for everyone.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652 and 602.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night are for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be April 8. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only - no guests.
The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following camping dates and locations:
May 16-17-18 Camp Michawana, Hastings
June 13-14-15 White Cloud Campground, White Cloud
July 11-12-13 Leisure Lake Campground, Sumner
Aug. 8-9-10 Lakeside Camp Park, Cedar Springs
Sept. 12-13-14 Rocky’s Campground, Albion
Oct. 10-11-12 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason
For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331. Camping is not limited to retirees; active workers who are members of the Oldsmobile Outdoor Club are welcome to join in the fun.
The Oldsmobile Florida Picnic is Tuesday, February 18, in Bradenton, Florida. It will be held at the American Legion Kirby Steward Post, 24000 75th Street West. Register at 11 a.m., eat at noon.
The Region 1C Retiree Recreation Committee is having a euchre tournament for the Lansing area retirees on April 30 at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. You do not need a partner to play. Please call 372-7581 ext. 147, and leave your name and phone number if you wish to play. The winners of this tournament will play the winners of the Flint tournament in the afternoon, at Local 602, following lunch.
The retirees are having a trip to Chicago September 9-12. Call Marni for details, 517-321-6871.
Any Local 652 retiree that has never been to Black Lake, or has not been since they retired and would be interested in going, should contact me at 517-372-7581 ext. 147. Please leave your name and phone number. Black Lake Educational Center is an integral part of understanding how politics affect our daily lives (and pocketbooks). Members will attend seminars where retiree issues are discussed. While the Center is a beautiful place, it is not a vacation; you must attend the seminars daily. 
Condolences to all the families who have had a loved one pass.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917 Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at this email address:

December, 2013

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. Moving forward into the Christmas season, wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday with your friends and family.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652 and 602.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night are for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be January 14. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.
We will be holding our regular potluck dinner in December.
Due to a scheduling error, Blue Cross Blue-Shield was not at our October 11th informational insurance meeting. There is a meeting scheduled with Blue Cross-Blue Shield on Wednesday, December 11, at Local 652, beginning at 10:00 a.m. They will present the Medicare Plus Blue Group PPO information and answer your questions. There will be representatives from Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Blue Care Network, and the Trust.
The December 24 card night is cancelled.
Any Local 652 retiree that has never been to Black Lake, or has not been since they retired and would be interested in going, should contact me at 517-372-7581 ext. 147. Please leave your name and phone number. Black Lake Educational Center is an integral part of understanding how politics affect our daily lives (and pocketbooks). Members will attend seminars where retiree issues are discussed. While the Center is a beautiful place, it is not a vacation; you must attend the seminars daily.
Condolences to the families of Clifford Stackman, Robert Knowles, Michael Hill, Charles Lonier, Tonia O’Berry, Tom Eveleth, Paul Janetzke, Richard Marietta, Mark Elliott, Joe Defrates, and any others we may have missed.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don and Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Leonard Schneider, Bob and Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

September 2013
Fall is rapidly approaching and I know I am looking forward to some cooler temperatures. Any of our snowbirds that leave before our next issue, have a safe trip and we will see you again in the spring!
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652 and 602.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night are for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be October 8, from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only; no guests.
The Lansing Area-Wide Region 1C Retiree Euchre Tournament is Wednesday, October 2, at 1:00 p.m. at Local 602, which is at 2510 W. Michigan
Ave, Lansing. There will be no luncheon. There will be no playoff with Flint. You don’t need a partner. For info call Local 652 at 517-372--7581, ext. 147. 
The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club camping season is winding down. The following dates remain on their schedule: Sept. 13-15: Rocky’s Campground, Albion; Oct. 11-13: Michigan Trap Shooters, Mason. For further info, call Wagon Master Jay Courser (517) 323-2331.
We will be holding an informational health insurance meeting on Friday, October 11, at Local 652, at 10:00 a.m. A representative from the Trust will be there, along with the various insurance carriers.
Our November and December dinners will be our regular potluck. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. 
Condolences to the families of Lawrence Koenigsknecht, Roger Haun, Clara Williams, John Baker, Darlene Lyon, Dannie McNeill, Marvin Davis, Robert Feltzke, Jim Gleason, Ronald Thelen, and any others we may have missed.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food, please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

May 2013

Good to see our snowbirds back safely. Everyone is looking forward to an active summer season filled with fishing, barbeques, and graduations.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be October 8, 2013, from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only - no guests.
The Region 1C Retiree Euchre Tournament is Wednesday, May 8, at 9:00 a.m., at Local 602. Local 602 is located at 2510 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing. Call 517-372-7581 ext. 147, and leave your name and phone number if you are interested in playing in the tournament. You do not need a partner.
The July 2 Bingo night is cancelled.
The Lansing Area Retiree Picnic is Monday, August 12, at Hawk Island. The picnic starts at noon. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Hawk Island is located at 1601 E. Cavanaugh, Lansing.
The August 20 potluck dinner and business meeting is cancelled.
The August 27 Card night is cancelled.
The retiree chapter is taking a trip to New York, September 5-10. There are still seats available. Call Marni at 517-321-6871, for more information.
The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club once again has a fun season of camping planned. They have provided the following schedule:
May 10-12 Camp Michawana – Hastings
June 14-16 White Cloud Campground – White Cloud
July 12-14 Leisure Lake Campground – Sumner
Aug. 09-11 Lakeside Camp Park – Cedar Springs
Sept. 13-15 Rocky’s Campground – Albion
Oct. 11-13 Michigan Trap Shooters – Mason
For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser (517) 323-2331.
Condolences to the families of Gaetano Maceroni, Lyle Foss, Ray Hocquard, Wayne Seeley, Tom Carey, Elaine Gavenda, Eugene Young, William Smith, Joseph Finkbeiner, Frank Ochoa Jr., Wilford Pullman Sr., Ervin Hilborn, and any others we may have missed.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

January 2013

Happy New Year everyone! Congratulations, Lansing Grand River on having the Cadillac ATS named as Car of the Year!
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night are for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be April 9 from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only – no guests.
White Shirt Day is Monday, February 11, and will be celebrated in Flint at Local 659. Local 659 is located at 4549 Van Slyke Rd. The program begins at 11:00 a.m., followed by a commemorative lunch of bean soup, bread and apples.
The Region 1C Retiree Euchre Tournament is Wednesday, May 8 at 9:00 a.m. at Local 602. Local 602 is located at 2510 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing. Call 517-372-7581 ext. 147, and leave your name and phone number if you are interested in playing in the tournament. You do not need a partner.
The retiree chapter is taking a trip to New York, September 5 - 10. Call Marni at 517-321-6871, for more information.
The Florida picnic is Tuesday, February 19, in Bradenton. It will be held at the American Legion Kirby Steward Post, 24000 75th Street West. Register at 11:00 a.m. Eat at noon.
There is no Arizona picnic scheduled for this year.
We are updating our list of Local 652 retirees who would like to go to the Walter & May Reuther Educational Center at Black Lake when our retirees have an opportunity to attend. We currently have three pages of names but many of the phone numbers are no longer in service. If you have not been to Black Lake and would like to be added to the list, please email your name,
address, phone number, and whether you are married or single (rooms are all double occupancy and you will be
given a roommate if single) to If you don’t have access to email, you may call 517-372-7581 ext. 147, and leave the information on the answering machine. The retirees attending these sessions attend classes and listen to speakers – this is not a “vacation” – but a learning experience for attendees. There is some free time for retirees to enjoy and explore the complex after the sessions each day.
Condolences to the families of Joe Braska, Larry Ostrander, TJ Evans, Bob Croley, Ted Barnhart, and any others we may have missed.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Don & Maxine Jubb, Wilfred Pullman, Larry Salters, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

December 2012

The 2012 elections are now behind us. Thanks to all who voted. We have already seen our first snowflakes and the snowbirds will be steadily departing. Everyone have a safe trip.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be January 8 from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.
Please mark the following dates on your calendars. December 25, card night is cancelled. January 1, Bingo night is cancelled.
The December dinner will be our regular potluck. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.
Health Plus insurance plan is now going to be available to UAW VEBA Trust members in Clinton and Ingham counties. There will be informational meetings for this plan on December 11 at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at the hall.
On December 14 there will be an informational presentation by the VEBA Trust. There will be representatives from various health insurance carriers available. The meeting starts at 1:00 p.m. at the hall.
We are updating our list of Local 652 retirees who would like to go to the Walter and May Reuther Educational Center at Black Lake when our retirees have an opportunity to attend. We currently have three pages of names,
but many of the phone numbers are
no longer in service. If you have not
been to Black Lake and would like to be added to the list, please email your
name, address, phone number, and whether you are married or single (rooms are double occupancy and you will be given a roommate if single) to If you don’t have access to email, you may call 517-372-7581 ext. 147, and leave the information on the answering machine.
The retirees attending these sessions attend classes and listen to speakers—this is not a “vacation,” but a learning experience for attendees. There is some free time for retirees to enjoy and explore the complex after the sessions each day.
Condolences to the families of Ray Myers, Ida Flemming, Jim Hester, and any others we may have missed.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Clara Mae Bean, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, T.J. Evans, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Don and Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Don and Maxine Jubb, Wilfred Pullman, Larry Salters, Leonard Schneider, Bob and Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
Seasons Greetings to all. Wishing
everyone a safe and happy holiday
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food please.
 Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

September 2012

We have made it through an extremely hot summer. It is great to have some moderate temperatures again. Before we know it, the snowbirds will be leaving. For those of you departing before the next issue—have a safe trip!
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be October 9, from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.
Please mark the following dates on your calendars: November 6, Bingo night is cancelled. December 25, Card night is cancelled. January 1, 2013, Bingo night is cancelled. January 8, 2013, is the first social night of the new year.
The November and December dinners will be our regular potluck. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.
The Outdoor Club is finishing another fun season of camping. The last 2012 camping dates are: Oct. 12 - 14 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason. Reservations are necessary. For more information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser at 517-323-2331.
We must stop the attacks on Collective Bargaining Rights, Unions, the Middle Class, Small Businesses, Public Education, and SENIORS! Everyone is strongly encouraged to support the UAW-endorsed candidates. As retirees, we cannot forget the “fix” for the state’s fiscal problems—taxing pensions!
Please vote at your local polling place, or do as many do, and vote absentee ballot.
Do not forget to vote on the proposals and for the nonpartisan offices. The proposal on Collective Bargaining Rights is critical to the middle class and we need you, your family, and your friends to get out and vote. Remember, every vote counts.
We are updating our list of Local 652 retirees who would like to go to the Walter & May Reuther Educational Center at Black Lake when our retirees have an opportunity to attend. We currently have three pages of names, but many of the phone numbers are no longer in service. If you have not been to Black Lake and would like to be added to the list, please email your name, address, phone number, and whether you are married or single (rooms are double occupancy and you will be given a roommate if single) to: If you don’t have access to email, you may call 517-372-7581 ext. 147, and leave the information on the answering machine.
The retirees attending these sessions attend classes and listen to speakers—this is not a “vacation,” but a learning experience for attendees. There is some free time for retirees to enjoy and explore the complex after the sessions each day.
Condolences to the families of Wayne Bitner, Tom Gauna, Catherine Haeck, Bob Mullen, Ralph Smith, and any others we may have missed.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Clara Mae Bean, Al Bebow, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, T.J. Evans, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Linus Hegnesbach, Dave & Hazel Hodges, Don & Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Don & Maxine Jubb, Brenda Lee, Ken Mohnke, Annie Morris, Ray Myers, Wilfred Pullman, Larry Salters, Leonard Schneider, Bob & Lee Vergason, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No
expired food, please.

Send your change of address to:
Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St.,
Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

May 2012

Most of our snowbirds have returned. It is great to see everyone back.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be October 9, from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.
Please mark the following dates on your calendars. By membership action, the July 3 Bingo night is cancelled and the August 21 potluck/meeting/bingo is cancelled.
The Lansing Area-Wide Retiree Picnic is August 13, at Hawk Island Park, Lansing. Hawk Island Park is on Cavanaugh between Pennsylvania and Aurelius. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. The picnic starts at noon.
The Safety Patrol picnic is Wednesday, May 16, at Hawk Island Park. Volunteers are needed to work at this event. Call 517-372-7581, ext. 147 to volunteer. Please leave your name and phone number.
The retirees are planning a trip October 5–10, to Mystic, Connecticut; Newport, Rhode Island; and Plymouth, Massachusetts. For more information contact Marni at 517-321-6871.
The Outdoor Club is planning another fun season of camping. The 2012 camping dates are as follows:
May 11 - 13 Camp Michawana, Hastings
June 8 - 10 White Cloud Campground, White Cloud
July 13 - 15 Leisure Lake Campground, Sumner
Aug. 10 - 12 Lakeside Camp Park,
Cedar Springs
Sept. 14 - 16 Rocky’s Campground, Albion
Oct. 12 - 14 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason
Reservations are necessary. For more information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser at 517-323-2331.
We must stop the attacks on collective bargaining rights, unions, the middle class, small businesses, public education, and seniors! Sign the Michigan Constitution amendment petition to protect collective bargaining rights! Petitions are available to sign at the Local 652 Union Hall. The hall is open Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. You must be a registered voter to sign the petitions. Please make every effort to come in and sign. We need everyone’s support.
Condolences to the families of Pat Elliot, Cleta Thornton, Hazel McClain, Dave Debnar, John Haruska, Charlie Kyser (a friend to labor), Rick Lewis, Chris “Tiny” Sherwood, and any others we may have missed.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Fillion, Dave Hodges, Dorothy Hoisington, Don Jubb, Brenda Lee, Bob Mullins, Wilfred Pullman, Leonard Schneider, Mason Williams, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food, please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at this email address: retiree652@hotmai

January 2012

Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2012.
The following is our monthly schedule of events:
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night are for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
Our next social night will be April 10, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.
Euchre Tournament
The Region 1C Euchre Tournament will be held Wednesday, April 25, at
Local 602. Starting time is 9:00 a.m.
Interested participants may sign up at the hall at any of our retiree functions, or you may call 517-372-7581 ext.147, and leave your name and phone number. Note that you do not need a partner to play.
On the day of the tournament, please arrive at least 15 minutes early to register and get seated. Local 602 is located at 2510 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing.
The winners of this tournament will play against the winners of the Flint tournament on May 9 in Flint. We would love to see a big turnout. We need to bring the trophy back to Lansing!
Karen Nichols, from the UAW
Legal Services Plan, would like to make members aware of the following: Under the new labor agreement with GM, Ford, and Chrysler, the Legal Services Plan will stop taking new cases at the end of December, 2013. Cases opened before that date will be completed by the Plan. If needed, you may contact UAW-GM Legal Services Plan at 1-800-482-7700.
Condolences to the family of Judy Swain and any others we may have missed.
The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Sandy Cleveland, Marvin Davis, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Ida Fleming, Dave Hodges, Dorothy Hoisington, Don Jubb, Brenda Lee, Linda Mogyoros, Wilfred Pullman, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Chris Sherwood, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food, please.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.
You may contact me at the following email address:

December 2011

Seasons Greetings to all. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

The following is our monthly schedule of events:

First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.

Third Tuesday of the month is our potluck dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.

Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.

Our bingo nights, potluck/business meetings, and social nights are for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.

Just a reminder, we will be having our regular potluck in December. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.

Please mark the following events on your calendars:

The Dec. 27 card night is cancelled.

Our next social night will be January 10 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.

Condolences to the families of Vic Arens, Jerry Cross, Mike Davis, Millie Pullman, and any others we may have missed.

The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers:  Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Sandy Cleveland, Marvin Davis, Joyce and Herb Fernholz, Dave Hodges, Helen Hogan, Dorothy Hoisington, Don Jubb, Brenda Lee, Linda Mogyoros, Wilfred Pullman, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Chris Sherwood, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.

The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at

The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events. No expired food, please.

Send your change of address to:  Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers: 517-372-7581 ext. 500

You may contact me at the following email address:

September 2011

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Labor Day. The following is our monthly schedule of events:

First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.

Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.

Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.

Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.

Anyone wishing to sign a petition to recall Rick Snyder may do so at the hall.

Please mark the following events on your calendars:

There will be a ceremony honoring the Sitdowners and Women’s Emergency Brigade at the Sitdowners Memorial Park on September 5, at the Region 1-C office, in Flint. The Region 1-C office is located at 1940 W. Atherton Rd. The ceremony starts at 10:00 a.m.

Labor Day Sitdowners and Women’s Emergency Brigade Brunch - Sept. 5, at Local 659 in Flint. Brunch will be served at 11:00 a.m. Tickets are $10 for retirees and can be picked up at the Regional office or at the door the day of the event. Local 659 is located at 4549 Van Slyke Rd., Flint. There will be no UAW picnic and parade at Crossroads Village.

There will be an American Muscle & Antique Auto Show on September 10 at 426 Clare St., Lansing. Showtime 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the Lansing Labor News.

General Motors will be having an open house for the Lansing Grand River, Lansing Regional Stamping, and Delta Township plants on September 30. Hours are from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help with this event. Volunteers should expect to work at least two hrs. Call 517-372-7581 ext. 147 - leave your name and phone number if you are interested in volunteering.

Our next social night will be October 11 from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only—no guests.

The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following camping dates and locations:

Sept. 9-10-11 Rocky’s Campground, Albion

Oct. 14-15-16 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason

For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331.

Condolences to the families of Bruce Sneider and Neil Carpenter.

Condolences to Don Korkoske on the passing of his wife Eleanor.

The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Dave Hodges, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger & Alice Miller, Linda Mogyoros, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Jim Rose, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Chris Sherwood, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.

The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at

The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.

Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

If you have benefit questions, contact a benefit rep for answers. 517-372-7581 ext. 500.

You may contact me at the following email address:

July 2011

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July.

   The following is our monthly schedule of events.
First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
    Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night is for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
   Please mark the following events and cancellations on your calendars:
The Lansing Area Wide picnic is August 15 at Hawk Island Park.  Picnic starts at noon.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Hawk Island Park is located at 1601 E. Cavanaugh Rd., Lansing, MI. This is a retiree event for retirees, their spouses, and associate members.
The August 16 potluck and business meeting is cancelled.
   The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following camping dates and locations:
July 8-9-10   Leisure Lake Campground, Sumner
Aug. 12-13-14  Lakeside Camp Park, Cedar Springs
Sept. 9-10-11   Rocky’s Campground, Albion
Oct. 14-15-16  Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason
For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331.
   We will be nominating and electing our Chapter Executive Board at the July 19 business meeting.
   The retirees are having a trip to Branson, Missouri, September 26 - 30.  This trip is 5 days and 4 nights. Contact Marni Beutler for additional information and reservations - 517-321-6871.
      The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers:  Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Sandy Cleveland, Marvin Davis, Dave Hodges, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger & Alice Miller, Linda Mogyoros, John Pesik, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Jim Rose, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
   The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.
   Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917.  Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
   You may contact me at the following email address:  retiree652 [at]
May-June 2011

   It is good to see more retirees coming to the rallies. If you haven’t already done so, sign up for GimmeFive and stay informed. An injury to one is an injury to all! Everyone have a safe and happy Memorial Day.

   The following is our monthly schedule of events. Please note the time change for bingo and card nights.
   First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.
   Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
   Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
    Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social nights are for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.
   Please mark the following events and cancellations on your calendars:
   The July 5 bingo night is cancelled.
   The Lansing Area Wide picnic is August 15 at Hawk Island Park. Picnic starts at noon. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Hawk Island Park is located at 1601 E. Cavanaugh Rd., Lansing, MI. This is a retiree event for retirees, their spouses, and associate members.
   The August 16 potluck and business meeting is cancelled.
   The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following camping dates and locations:
May 13-14-15 Camp Michawana, Hastings
June 10-11-12 White Cloud City Campground, White Cloud
July 8-9-10 Leisure Lake Campground, Sumner
Aug. 12-13-14 Lakeside Camp Park, Cedar Springs
Sept. 9-10-11 Rocky’s Campground, Albion
Oct. 14-15-16 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason
   For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331.
   The Region 1C Euchre Tournament will be held Wednesday, May 4, at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. Retirees and spouses are eligible to play. You may register at any of our retiree functions or call 517-372-7581 extension 147 to leave your name and phone number. Participants are reminded to arrive no later than 8:45 a.m. to sign in. The winners of the Lansing tournament will play in the finals against Flint later that after noon. Local 602 is located at 2510 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48917.
   The Safety Patrol picnic is Wednesday, May 18, at Hawk Island Park. Volunteers are needed. If you are interested, please call 517-372-7581 ext. 147 and leave your name and phone number.
   We will be nominating and electing our Election Committee at the June 21 business meeting.
   We will be nominating and electing our Chapter Executive Board at the July 19 business meeting.
   The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Sandy Cleveland, Fred Davis, Marvin Davis, Dave Hodges, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger Miller, John Pesik, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Jim Rose, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.
   Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
  You may contact us at the following email address:

April 2011   

Spring has finally arrived and we are seeing the return of our snowbirds. Welcome back, everyone! The following is our monthly schedule of events. Please note the time change for bingo and card nights.

First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.

Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.

Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.

Our bingo night, potluck/business meeting, and social night are for Local 652 retirees, spouses, and associate members only.

The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has supplied us with the following camping dates and locations:

May 13-14-15 Camp Michawana, Hastings

June 10-11-12 White Cloud City Campground, White Cloud

July 8-9-10 Leisure Lake Campground, Sumner

Aug. 12-13-14 Lakeside Camp Park, Cedar Springs

Sept. 9-10-11 Rocky’s Campground, Albion

Oct. 14-15-16 Michigan Trap Shooting Association, Mason

For further information, call Wagon Master Jay Courser, 517-323-2331.

There is a lot of activity going on at our state government. It is very important that our retirees be active and participate in the rallies and support our union values. If you have not done so, sign up today for GimmeFIVE.

GimmeFIVE is a program that keeps our members informed about legislation and rallies critical to our wellbeing. By signing up, you will receive either an email or a phone call if you do not have an email address. It will keep you up to speed on any rallies or lobbying we are doing. The phone call will be a recording of any pertinent information. You will not be pressured by anyone to do anything. You can sign up online at or you can sign up at the union hall. If you receive a sign-up form in the mail, fill it out and return it. We all need to stay united and protect working families and retirees.

April 12 is our next social night, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The Region 1C Euchre Tournament will be held Wednesday, May 4, at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. Retirees and spouses are eligible to play. You may register at any of our retiree functions or call 517-372-7581, extension 147, to leave your name and phone number. Participants are reminded to arrive no later than 8:45 a.m. to sign in. The winners of the Lansing tournament will play in the finals against Flint later that afternoon. Local 602 is located at 2510 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48917.

Condolences to the families of Art Baker and Dan Gabel, retirees.

Condolences to Neil Carpenter on the passing of his wife, Ardeth.

The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Barb Folsom, Dave Hodges, Dorothy Hoisington, Roger and Alice Miller, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Willa Wright, and any we may have missed.

The Lansing Labor News is  online at

The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate when you attend retiree events.

Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address.

You may contact us at the following email address: retiree652@hotmail.comFebruary 2011

   By membership action, beginning March 1, 2011, the starting time for the monthly bingo game and card night has changed from 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Please note the changes on your calendars.

   First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 5:00 p.m.

   Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.

   Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 5:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.

 January 2011
   Happy New Year to everyone! 
   Our monthly schedule of events is as follows:
   First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.
   Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
   Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
   February 11 is White Shirt Day. Wear a white shirt on this day to honor the Sitdowners. The White Shirt Day celebration will be held in Flint at Local 599 starting at 11:00 a.m. This is the day for the VCAP ticket drawings, with the first prize being a blue and white Chevrolet Camero SS. Local 599 is located at 812 Leith St., Flint, MI 48505.
   Our next social night will be April 12 from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
   The Region 1C Retiree Euchre Tournament will be held Wednesday, May 4, at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. Retirees and spouses are eligible to play. You may register at any of our retiree functions or call 517-372-7581 extension 147 to leave your name and phone number. Participants are reminded to arrive no later than 8:45 a.m. to sign in. The winners of the Lansing tournament will play in the finals against Flint later that afternoon. Local 602 is located at 2510 W. Michigan Ave., Lan-sing, MI 48917.
   Condolences to the family of Al Lett who passed away Dec. 26, 2010. Al worked on the line and in the final repair pit, retiring Oct. 1, 1976.
   Condolences to the family of Paul Zimmerman (Poor Paul, Mr. Z). Paul was a friend to all, and he will be missed.
   The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Carol Albrecht, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Gary Every, Dorothy Hoisington, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Hedy Rose, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
   The Lansing Labor News is now online. You may access it at
   The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate  when you attend retiree events.
   Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
   You may contact us at the following email address: retiree652 at hotmail dot com.

December 2010
   Our monthly schedule of events is as follows:
   First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.
   Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
   Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
   The December 28 Card Night will be cancelled. Please note this cancellation on your calendars.
   Just a reminder, December dinner will be our regular monthly potluck.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.
   January 11, 2011, will be our next social night from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
   The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Carol Albrecht, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Gary Every, Dorothy Hoisington, Wilfred and Millie Pullman,Hedy Rose, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Willa Wright, and any others we may have missed.
   Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season.
   The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate to the area Food Bank when you attend retiree events.
   Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
   You may contact us at the following email address: retiree652 at hotmail dot com [with the at symbol and period -- it's spelled out here to avoid spambots].

September 2010
    It has been a long hot summer. With fall just around the corner, we can look forward to cooler temperatures and the bright colors of autumn. 
    Our monthly schedule of events is:
    First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.
    Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
    Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
    On Labor Day (September 6) there will be a ceremony in the Sitdowners Memorial Park at the Region 1-C Office in Flint. The program begins at 9:00 a.m. A brunch follows at Local 659. Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at the door. The Region 1-C Office is at 1940 W. Atherton Rd., Flint. Local 659 is located at 4549 Van Slyke Rd, Flint.
    The annual Labor Day Picnic will also be held in Flint at Crossroads Village from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    October 12 will be our next social night from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
    The November 2 Bingo Night will be cancelled due to election activity at the hall. Please note this cancellation on your calendars.
    Just a reminder, the November and December dinners will be our regular monthly potlucks. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.
    Bob Sheldon, who is 90 years young, recently completed his last year of working for the Ingham County Fair. Congratulations, Bob, on a job well done!
    Please support UAW-endorsed candidates. Endorsements are based on candidates’ positions on issues and, where applicable, their voting records. Phone bank volunteers are needed. Phone banks will be operating Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. starting October 1 at Local 602.
    There is a trip scheduled to Mesa, Arizona, February 13-24. It will include the retiree picnic in Mesa and stops in cities along the way such as Oklahoma City and San Antonio. Contact Marni for more information and to make your reservation. Phone 517-321-6871. Reservations must be made by October 15.
    Condolences to Mansil Raymond on the loss of his brother Lawrence Raymond and his sister Eunice Mylander. Condolences to the families of Nancy Barker and Rosemary Spitzley.
    The Olds Outdoor Club has the following 2010 camping dates: Sept. 10, 11, & 12 at Rocky’s Campground, (517) 857-2200; Oct. 8, 9, & 10 at Mich. Trap Shooting Association, (517) 676-2295
    Each individual camping unit must call the campground to make their individual reservations. For more details about the campground, you may contact “Wagon Master” Jay Courser at (517) 323-2331.
    The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Joyce Fernholtz, Joyce Kloeckner, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Al Schneider, Jean and Leonard Schneider, and any we may have missed.
    If possible, please bring canned goods to donate to the area Food Bank when you attend retiree events.

May 2010
    All the snowbirds have returned. It is great to see everyone again. 
   Our monthly schedule of events is as follows:
   First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.
   Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
   Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
   The May 4 Bingo Night is cancelled due to the Mt. Rushmore trip and the Constitutional Convention Election.
   The Safety Patrol Picnic is May 19th at Hawk Island Park. People wishing to volunteer to work at this event may call 372-7581 ext. 147. Please leave your name and phone number.
   By membership action, the July 6 Bingo night is cancelled. Everyone have a nice vacation.
   The Lansing Area Retirees Picnic is Monday, Aug. 16, at Hawk Island Park, 1601 E. Cavanaugh Road, Lansing. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. The picnic starts at noon. This is a retiree event for retirees and their spouses.
   By membership action, the August 17 Bohemian Dinner and Business Meeting have been cancelled.
   The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has announced the following 2010 Camping Dates:
May 14, 15, & 16 Camp Michawana (269) 623-3035
June 11, 12, & 13 White Cloud Campground (231) 689-2021
July 9, 10, & 11 Leisure Lake Campground (989) 875-4689
Aug. 13, 14, & 15 Lakeside Camp Park (616) 696-1735
Sept. 10, 11, & 12 Rocky's Campground (517) 857-2200
Oct. 8, 9, & 10 Mich. Trap Shooting Association (517) 676-2295
   Each individual camping unit must call the campground to make their individual reservations. For more details about the campground, you may contact "Wagon Master" Jay Courser at (517) 323-2331.
   The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, J.D. Cantrell, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Rosemary Spitzley, and any others we may have missed.
   The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate to the area Food Bank when you attend retiree events.
   Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
   You may contact us at the following email address: retiree652 at hotmail dot com, where "at" is replaced with the @ symbol, and dot with a period (no spaces). [Site administrator's note: we use this format to help foil "web crawlers" that troll for emails to spam.]

   Everyone have a safe Memorial Day weekend.

Mike Bauer's April 2010 column
   Our monthly schedule of events is as follows:
    First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.
    Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
    Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
     The next social night will be April 13, from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
     The Lansing area retirees' Euchre Tournament is April 28. This is open to Region 1C retirees and their spouses. It will be held at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. Please arrive early to register. Local 652 retirees may call 372-7581 ext. 147, to sign up. Leave your name and phone number.
     The May 4 Bingo Night is cancelled due to the Mt. Rushmore trip.
     The Safety Patrol Picnic is May 19 at Hawk Island Park.  People wishing to volunteer to work at this event may call 372-7581 ext. 147.  Please leave your name and phone number.
     The Lansing Area Retirees Picnic is Monday, August 16, at Hawk Island Park, 1601 E. Cavanaugh Road, Lansing.  Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. The picnic starts at noon.
     The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has announced the following 2010 Camping Dates:
May 14, 15, & 16   Camp Michawana (269) 623-3035
June 11, 12, & 13   White Cloud Campground (231) 689-2021
July 9, 10, & 11      Leisure Lake Campground (989) 875-4689
Aug. 13, 14, & 15   Lakeside Camp Park (616) 696-1735
Sept. 10, 11, & 12  Rocky's Campground (517) 857-2200
Oct. 8, 9, & 10       Mich. Trap Shooting Association (517) 676-2295
    Each individual camping unit must call the campground to make their individual reservations. For more details about the campground, you may contact "Wagon Master" Jay Courser at (517) 323-2331.
     The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, J.D. Cantrell, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Bob Sheldon, Rosemary Spitzley, and any others we may have missed.
     Condolences to Lester Kyle on the passing of his wife of 46 years, Linda.
     The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate to the area Food Bank when you attend retiree events.
     Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
Mike Bauer's March 2010 column
     March has arrived. Spring is just around the corner now. We are looking forward to having the snowbirds back.
     Our monthly schedule of events is as follows:
     First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.
     Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
     Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
     The next social night will be April 13, from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
     The Lansing area Euchre Tournament is April 28. This is open to Region 1-C retirees and their spouses.  It will be held at Local 602, starting at 9:00 a.m. Please arrive early to register.  Local 652 retirees may call 372-7581 ext. 147, to sign up. Leave your name and phone number.
     There is a trip to Mt. Rushmore scheduled for April 30 - May 7. Call Marni for details: 517-321-6871.  Payment is due March 30, 2010.
     The May 4 Bingo Night is cancelled due to the Mt. Rushmore trip.
     The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has announced the following 2010 Camping Dates:
May 14, 15, & 16    Camp Michawana                     (269) 623-3035
June 11, 12, & 13   White Cloud Campground           (231) 689-2021
July 9, 10, & 11      Leisure Lake Campground          (989) 875-4689
Aug. 13, 14, & 15   Lakeside Camp Park                  (616) 696-1735
Sept. 10, 11, & 12  Rocky's Campground                 (517) 857-2200
Oct. 8, 9, & 10      Mich. Trap Shooting Association  (517) 676-2295
     Each individual camping unit must call the campground to make their individual reservations. For more details about the campground, you may contact "Wagon Master" Jay Courser at (517) 323-2331.
    The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Rosemary Spitzley,  and any others we may have missed.
    The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate to the area Food Bank when you attend retiree events.
    Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

February 2010 Update   
   Just a reminder, it is time for any surviving spouses, who have not already done so, to pay their dues.
   The winners of the free trips for the February 10-11 casino trip were Ken Lehnert, Wes Bowen, Steve Newman, and Annie Morris.
   The date to sign up for the dental and optical benefits through COBRA has been extended from February 9 to February 23.


January 28 2010 update
    The February casino trip is full.
    The Oldsmobile Outdoor Club has announced the following 2010 Camping Dates:
May 14, 15, & 16    Camp Michawana                     (269) 623-3035
June 11, 12, & 13   White Cloud Campground           (231) 689-2021
July 9, 10, & 11      Leisure Lake Campground          (989) 875-4689
Aug. 13, 14, & 15   Lakeside Camp Park                  (616) 696-1735
Sept. 10, 11, & 12  Rocky's Campground                 (517) 857-2200
Oct. 8, 9, & 10      Mich. Trap Shooting Association  (517) 676-2295
    Each individual camping unit must call the campground to make their individual reservations. For more details about the campground, you may contact "Wagon Master" Jay Courser at (517) 323-2331.
    CORRECTION: The dates for the Mt. Rushmore trip are April 30 - May 7. (The original flyer was wrong, so the column in the January Labor News was wrong.) See more information in this flyer (pdf format):Mt Rushmore trip 2010.pdf


January 2010 column

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season.
    Our monthly schedule of events is as follows:
    First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.
    Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
    Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
    February 10 & 11 is our Winter Getaway casino trip. Call Marni for details: 517-321-6871.
    The Florida Picnic is February 16. It will be held at the American Legion Kirby Steward Post 24, 2000 75th Street West, Bradenton, Florida. Meal and plastic tableware provided. Register at 11 a.m. Eat at noon.
    The Arizona Picnic is February 18. It will be held at Red Mountain Park, 7745 E. Brown Road, Mesa, Arizona. Bring a dish to pass and drinks. Meat will be furnished. The picnic begins at noon.
    There is a trip to Mt. Rushmore scheduled for April 30 - May 8. Call Marni for details: 517-321-6871.
    Thank you to the retirees who volunteered to sell Old Newsboys in December and to all who donated to help this worthy cause.
    The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Carol Groth, Wilfred and Millie Pullman, Jean and Leonard Schneider, Rosemary Spitzley, Betty Taylor, and any others we may have missed.
    The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate to the area Food Bank when you attend retiree events.
    Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
    As you watch the silently falling snow, take time to embrace the quiet beauty of winter.


Mike Bauer's December 2009 column:

     I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Some of our snowbirds have already left; others are preparing to go. Have a safe trip, everyone, and we look forward to seeing you in the spring.
    Our monthly schedule of events is:
    First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.
    Third Tuesday of the month is our Bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.
    Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.
    Mark the following upcoming events and changes to our usual schedule on your calendars!
    As a cost cutting measure, the membership voted to cancel the annual Christmas dinner. The monthly bohemian dinner will be held in December. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.
    The December 22 card night is cancelled.
    January 12 will be our social night from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
    The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Carol Groth, Jean Schneider, Rosemary Spitzley, Betty Taylor, and any others we may have missed.
    The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate to the area Food Bank when you attend retiree events.
Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.
   Seasons Greetings to all. Everyone have a safe and happy holiday season. See you next year!


Mike Bauer's September 2009 article:

    The Lansing area-wide retiree picnic was well attended. Everyone enjoyed a nice lunch and visited with their friends. Thank you to everyone who worked hard to make this a success.

    Our monthly schedule of events is as follows:

    First Tuesday of the month is Bingo. The games start at 6:00 p.m.

    Third Tuesday of the month is our bohemian dinner and business meeting. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass. Dinner starts at noon.

    Fourth Tuesday of the month is card night starting at 6:00 p.m. Card night is for Locals 652, 602, and 1618.

    Mark the following upcoming events and changes to our usual schedule on your calendars!

    September 7 is the Union Labor Day Picnic at Genesee County’s Crossroads Village. Union members and their families are invited to come enjoy the food, games, entertainment, and fellowship. The park opens at 10:00 a.m. Activities start at 11:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. The park closes at 5:00 p.m. Crossroads Village is located at 6140 Bray Rd., Flint, MI.

    October 13 is social night from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

    As a cost cutting measure, the membership voted to cancel the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. The monthly bohemian dinner will be held in November and December. Bring your own table service and a dish to pass.

January 12, 2010, will be our first social night of the new year from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

    The following members and associates are in our thoughts and prayers: Robert Abernathy, Jewell Carrier, Marvin Davis, Agnes Morris, Jean Schneider, Bill Smith, Rosemary Spitzley, and any others we may have missed.

    The Food Bank could use our help. If possible, bring canned goods to donate to the area Food Bank when you attend retiree events.

    Send your change of address to: Lansing Labor News, 210 Clare St., Lansing, MI 48917. Please include your current address and the old address when requesting the change.

    Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

Lansing Labor News
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